Maintain Your New Year’s Resolution All Year Long with XBAR Fitness

Did you know that the most common New Year’s resolution for 2017 was to lose weight? Did you also know that only 8 percent of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions? According to U.S. News & World Report, approximately 80 percent of resolutions fail by the second week of February. With that said, XBAR Fitness wants to help you eliminate all excuses and maintain your New Year’s resolution all year long.
We all know how easy it is to set a New Year’s resolution, but do we have what it takes to maintain it? More often than not, people let their excuses take over and deter them from living a healthy lifestyle. Excuses range from the cost of a gym membership to simply, “I just don’t feel like working out today.” With XBAR, we take the work out of working out!No Gym Membership
The gym is already intimidating as is, but just wait until it hits you with the monthly costs, sign-up fees and if you are looking to cancel your contract, just forget it! The average person will spend about $800 on a gym membership. With the XBAR, you make a one-time purchase and you get to enjoy your XBAR full-body workouts all year long. So long gym fees, hello XBAR!
Work Out from Home
Sometimes, the hardest part about working out is getting yourself to the gym. With XBAR you’ll never have to worry about this debate again! Designed to break all fitness boundaries, go beyond the four walls of your gym and get creative with your workouts – bring the XBAR with you on a hike, to the beach and just about everywhere else. The world is your oyster!
Total Full-Body Workout
Eliminate the need for barbells, squat racks, bench presses and TRX bands. The XBAR is a revolutionary full-body workout system from the convenience of a single bar. No need to wait for the squat rack or bench press to open, get your workout done conveniently when you want, where you want.
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